Dr. Ahmad Hussain

Prof. Ajay Kumar Singh
(Vice-Chancellor, P.U.)

Shri Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar

Latest News


From the Principal’s Desk

Commerce education is now being increasingly called upon to create executives who exhibit socially responsible behaviour that at the same time adds value to firm’s performance.

Our efforts are aimed at producing technically well-prepared and competent executives who are better able to deal with the national and global canvass as well. We provide the executives that industry, Governments and other policy makers demand.

On behalf of Patna University in general and the Vanijya Mahavidyalaya in particular, I appreciate the interest shown by you in our institution.

The ultimate aim of education is to make a person knowledgeable and well informed and offer him/her skills so that one can earn one’s livelihood and foster better environment in the society.

Vanijya Mahavidyalaya, Patna University has been known for its quality commerce education and at our college not only academics but also overall personality development of the student is looked after.

The college offers Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), and Master of Commerce Programmes. Besides P.G. Diploma Programme in Financial Services is offered by the college.

About Patna University

Patna University was established in the year 1917 and it functioned as affiliating and examining body for over 30 years. On January 2, 1952 it was converted into a purely teaching -cum-residential University with the territorial jurisdiction over Metropolitan Patna. It is one of the oldest Universities in the Country. In Bihar it is the first, and in the subcontinent, it is the seventh oldest University. The University buildings are located on the bank of River Ganges and in the second Campus i.e. Saidpur Campus.
The Patna University has 31 postgraduate departments in the faculties of Science, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Commerce, Law and 10 constituent colleges, apart from Patna Medical College and Patna Dental College in the Faculty of Medicine whose management and control are with the State Government. There are 4 Institutes maintained by the University e.g. Institute of Psychological Research & Services, Institute of Public Administration, Institute of Music, and Institute of Library and Information Science. College of Arts & Crafts is fully devoted to the course of fine arts and has been imparting teaching in painting, sculptures etc. A Faculty of Fine Arts has also been started and is located on the campus of College of Arts & Crafts. Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) is a separate unit catering to the needs of large number of students who are unable to get admission as regular students in Colleges or are in service in some institutions. The University is eager to start e-learning.

From the Vice-Chancellor’s Desk

Patna University is the seventh oldest University of India, with the richest of academic traditions. The best students from all over the Eastern Region and Abroad have always sought to be educated in this University. We would like it to regain its past glory and rise to new heights through modernization and all-round development.

Special efforts are required for achieving high academic excellence. Qualitative change in Higher Education is possible only through radical means including incorporating Information Technology/e-Governance, adopting a policy of social inclusion and making quantitative as well as qualitative changes in teaching, research & development activities.

We would need synergistic efforts and cooperation from all quarters for achieving this distinction, so that we may provide quality education to all our students.